Riding with BONSENSO

This initiative was launched in 2003 as a way in which to rediscover our lost equestrian culture. It was the brainchild of Roberta Camoni, full École de Légèreté instructor, and Bruno Dorigo, dedicated supporter of the philosophy of the École’s founder, Philippe Karl. Since 2009, there has been a growing interest in learning how to communicate with and relate to horses in complete liberty.
Nidodelfalcone itself has been holding seminars for many years, principally on Alessandra Deerinck’s approach, Human to Horse. Instructor of the Carolyn Resnick Method and of Philippe Karl’s Ecole de Légèreté, Deerinck’s seminars take place in June, while Nidodelfalcone hosts seminars by Italian Ecole de Légèretè instructors in March/October.
Throughout the year, Bruno Dorigo, who studied with Alessandra Deerinck and Roberta Camoni, teaches beginners and holds courses on the practical applications of what is learned during the seminars.